Behavioural Therapy

Behavioural therapy is an evidence-based treatment approach for ADHD that focuses on teaching practical skills and strategies to manage symptoms and improve overall functioning.

This type of therapy typically involves setting clear expectations, reinforcing positive behaviours, and implementing consistent consequences for undesired actions.

Techniques used in behavioural therapy may include token reward systems, time-outs, response cost, and modeling of appropriate behaviours.

Parents, teachers, and therapists can collaborate to implement these strategies consistently across different settings, such as home, school, and social situations.

When used in combination with other treatment modalities, such as medication and educational support, behavioural therapy can contribute to a comprehensive approach that addresses the diverse needs of individuals with ADHD.

Subsections of Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps individuals with ADHD develop coping strategies, improve self-regulation, and address emotional challenges.

CBT focuses on identifying and modifying unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours, thereby promoting more adaptive functioning and improved well-being.

Parent Management Training

Parent Management Training (PMT) is a behavioural intervention that helps parents develop skills and techniques to manage their child’s ADHD symptoms effectively.

PMT focuses on establishing consistent routines, setting clear expectations, implementing positive reinforcement, and employing appropriate consequences to shape desirable behaviours.

Social Skills Training

Social Skills Training is a form of behavioural therapy that aims to help individuals with ADHD improve their social interactions and communication abilities.

This training focuses on teaching essential skills such as active listening, empathy, assertiveness, conflict resolution, and recognising social cues.

By learning and practicing these skills, individuals with ADHD can foster more meaningful and positive relationships with peers, family, and colleagues.